Friday, May 22, 2009

Harry Potter Asia's Version..:-D

Do you know that in asia also has magic school as you see in Harry Potter's movie ??

Believed it or not..Have a see first...heee~

P/s : :-D

Cute Pet Worm from Brazil..yukss...

Big worm pet..yukss...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hedgehog Baby - a cute moment :-D

A little hedgehog baby. What the cute baby hedgehoggy..hee

The Most Freaky Road in The World!!!!

p/s : what the strange architecture..huhu

Anaconda found in Sri Lanka ??

What the fish (wtf)?? Sri Lanka also has anaconda?? It's really?? Take your time to see on picture below..;-D

Creative Pillow Design..:-D

Very smart and briliant idea. So creative to design this pillow..Have a look first.:-D

TV Cushion..

Adobe Creative Suite Icon Cushions..


DOS command Prompt Pillow..

Alt + Ctrl + Del..